Test and measurements mean high level quality control

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Test laboratory focused on power supplies

The Amicus Test&Measurement Laboratory is involved in a broad range of quality validation of power supplies, including qualification and verification of new products, sampling of production batches and supervising custom power supplies. We testing offered products because we want to be 100-percen sure of their high quality.

Power supplies are verified for compliance of real parameters with specifications, meeting the requirements of standards (safety, EMC, ecodesign, and environmental issues). A wide range of electrical tests is conducted, including those related to electrical safety, as well as technical support from high-skilled personnel.

In the following is an overview of the range of conducted measurements.

Measurement laboratory - wide range of tests

Electrical measurements:

  • determination of input working voltage range, output voltage, protection circuits thresholds, ripples-and-noise, as well as determination of output characteristics of power supplies



  • measurement of power factor, standby power and efficiency.

Safety and environmental measurements:

  • test in thermal chamber at an elevated ambient temperature




  • measuring the temperature distribution of components during operation with a thermal imaging camera




  • hipot tests up to 5 kVAC, leakage current and insulation resistance.




  • ESD/surge immunity test up to 5 kV




Pomiary kompatybilności elektromagnetycznej:

  • Measurement of conducted and radiated emission level.

It is also worth reading how our production department operates.




LED lighting test - learn how our lab works

The measurements scope includes:

The Amicus lighting measurement laboratory is involved in quality assessment of LED lighting, qualification of new products and random verification of the quality of LED strips from volume orders.

The measurements scope includes:

  • luminous flux measurement in the Ulbricht sphere
  • spectral measurement in the range 380-800 nm, measurement of colour parameters (CRI, Ra, CCT) and chromaticity coordinates
  • flicker rate measurement
  • determination of light source stabilisation time
  • measurement of LED strips in a climatic chamber at elevated temperature
  • measuring the temperature distribution of the tapes during operation with a thermal imaging camera



Light and electrical measurements are conducted with high precision are therefore our services used by numerous third-party companies and institutions. If you have any questions about carrying out electrical measurements or the operation of the measurement laboratory, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Laboratorium pomiarowe oświetlenia

Laboratorium pomiaru parametrów oświetlenia Amicus zajmuje się oceną jakości ledowych źródeł światła, kwalifikacją nowych produktów i wyrywkową weryfikacją jakości produktów będących w ciągłej sprzedaży (taśmy LED). Sporządzamy raporty z badań i dokonujemy pisemnej oceny jakości.

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    Amicus Sp. z o.o.

    ul. 19 Kwietnia 31
    05-090 Rybie, Polska

    NIP: 951-212-24-90
    Regon: 015805344
    KRS: 0000219998

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